socialsky - social media agency in Brussels

The Social Media agency
that will launch your LinkedIn

3 reasons to get started on LinkedIn

B2B Audience

LinkedIn allows you to find new clients/prospects by targeting specific job functions/industry sectors you aim for. By using LinkedIn’s advanced targeting features, you can effectively reach your target audience and establish meaningful business relationships.

Expert Positioning

By publishing relevant and high-quality content, you can demonstrate your expertise and leadership in your field. By sharing valuable information, case studies, and practical advice, you strengthen your credibility and attract the attention of professionals looking for solutions.

Enhances Recruitment

Through an employer branding strategy, you highlight the culture and values of your company so that candidates can envision and identify with them. Sharing news, successes, and employee testimonials also allows you to humanize your brand/company and engage your audience.


LinkedIn is the quintessential B2B social network.

Indeed, where Facebook and Instagram primarily cater to individuals, LinkedIn is a platform where professional life is central. This is why this social network is so unique and can prove to be very interesting for your business. However, merely being present on LinkedIn is not enough to achieve significant results. An effective communication strategy, fully leveraging the platform’s capabilities, is essential to take full advantage of its potential. This is where Socialsky, your LinkedIn agency, comes into play!

The 5 Steps of LinkedIn Community


Developing a strategy for your LinkedIn page

We translate your business objectives into LinkedIn goals through a tailor-made digital strategy that perfectly aligns with LinkedIn’s protocols. Together, we define your goals, target audience, tone of voice, publication frequency, and performance indicators.


Creation of a monthly editorial calendar

Once the LinkedIn strategy is set, it’s time for action: content creation !

Every month, our LinkedIn agency develops an editorial calendar: creative ideas through brainstorming, visual creation, multilingual copywriting… Content is at the heart of your digital strategy, and especially at the core of your LinkedIn page!


Publishing and amplifying on LinkedIn

Once the calendar is approved, we schedule the month’s posts directly from your LinkedIn page and amplify them with a predefined budget.

Wondering why it’s important to boost LinkedIn posts?

Imagine; you create a unique piece of art, but you lock it away in a cupboard: no one will ever be able to admire it! The same applies to your posts on your LinkedIn company page! Without an amplification strategy, your post will only be seen by a portion of the people following your LinkedIn page, whereas with a budget, you could reach a much broader target audience and thus achieve much better visibility.


Conversation Management

To be close to your B2B target, you need to create a connection with them from your LinkedIn page by encouraging engagement on your posts, responding to comments and messages, etc.

Thanks to the expertise of our LinkedIn agency, we know how to respond daily to all interactions in order to create a strong bond with your communities.


Reporting and recommandation

Reporting is an essential element for evaluating the success of a digital strategy on LinkedIn.
We produce comprehensive reports to assess the résults achieved on your LinkedIn page and provide recommendations for continuously improving performance.

Want to take your communication on your LinkedIn page to another dimension? Then, schedule a meeting with our LinkedIn agency!



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